Love Shouldn’t Hurt

I think it fitting that as Valentine’s Day approaches, we should pause to remember that as we celebrate love, we should also act to preserve and protect it from darker impulses. For far too many people, just being alone of Valentine’s Day isn’t the worst possible fate – it’s being locked into an abusive and violent relationship from which there is no escape. For them, it is we who must act – the community has a responsibility to its weakest and most vulnerable. I can’t imagine what a sick joke Valentine’s Day must be for the people for whom their relationship isn’t something to be celebrated but feared.


Every Monday night from 7pm-8pm, there is a support group at the GLSO for anyone in the LGBT community that has been in a controlling, abusive or violent relationship. The group is a support for past unhealthy relationships. It will focus on identifying what a healthy relationship should be.  For more information call: 859-276-4457 or email: