The Main Idea

I’m a pretty simple person; nothing too complicate about me.  I don’t claim to have any high fluent ideas, but I do take time most days to meditate on scripture and ask God to give me understanding on
ideas/concepts in the Word.   One thing He and I have been talking about lately is how out of whack Christians have become over the years.   So many take one concept and make it the “main idea”.  It
can be anything from money to child care to sexual orientation. My understanding is that the main idea is the story of Jesus and how He became the propitiation for us so that we do not have to withstand the wrath of God.  Have you ever asked yourself “what am I saved from?” I’ve always answered that question with saved from hell.  But lately I’ve been thinking on a little different line.  Perhaps we are saved from the wrath of God. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God was angry that they did not follow the one thing He instructed them not to do.  It was that one act that separated us from an intimate relationship with the Father.  Without going into all the history at this point, Jesus became the final sacrifice that would bridge that gap so you and I could walk intimately with our God.  This is the Gospel, the good news, the main idea that every Christian should be concerned with.  I believe we are all born with the desire/need for that closeness to the Father. A God sized hole in our hearts, if you will.  I believe we long for that relationship with Him much like we do our earthly parents. I’ve always thought (based on talking to those I know who have been adopted) that adopted children (whether they know they are adopted or not) have an emptiness, a hole, that isn’t filled until they find (or settle in their mind about) their biological parent(s).  Of course there are many factors that come into play regarding whether or not they do pursue their birth parents.  Personally, I never had a relationship with my father and my mother died when I was 9 years old so I can relate to this idea.  That burning desire to know your biological parent is the same spiritually speaking as well.  We innately have a desire to know our spiritual Father because it was first His desire for which He purposed us.There are no words to express how it saddens me to hear people in the name of Christianity spouting off hate and dogma.  It also saddens me when I hear people make commits about fleeing Christians/Christianity because of the hate and/or dogma they have had to endure.  My Bible teaches me that they (the world) will know we are Christians by our love for one another.  When Jesus walked the streets people were drawn to Him.  Some of those people wanted to get to know Him, others needing His helping hand, and still others were simply perplexed by Him.  We as His followers should exhibit a life that attracts people in a similar fashion.  If I say or do something that makes another run away from God I’m totally missing the point.  I thank God daily for the opportunity to be a part of His family.  I seek daily to walk in accordance to His Word and walk worthy of the fact that I am His child.  I desire to live a life that speaks of the love of God, the mercy of God, and the truth of God.  If you would like to know more about having this relationship with the Father contact me via our churches web site, coming to church, or calling me.  I would love to discuss it further with you.