TransKentucky Hosts Marcia Bell

TransKentucky is pleased to host Marcia Bell on August 4th for our monthly meeting. Marcia is widely sought locally by many of our “trans” community for counseling with respect to gender issues. She has presented to our group before and is quite popular as a speaker.

Marcia Bell has been a practicing family therapist since 1998. She received a degree in Family Science and a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Kentucky. She has taught courses in Human Sexuality, and Marriage and the Family, at UK. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and a Certified Family Life Educator.

Please join us on Saturday August 4th at 7:30pm at the GLSO Pride Center to hear what Marcia has to say. Group format will likely consist of a short introduction followed by a question and answer session. Meetings typically last until 9 or 9:30pm.