GSA Pride PromVounteers Needed

Our sixth annual Pride Prom will be on Friday, May 18. The teens have chosen “Off To Neverland” as their theme.  This year we will be at the Lexington Children’s Theater downtown.  We are again looking for volunteer chaperones to help us at the dance.  Contact Samara Baker at

The GSA will continue to em-power youth over the summer months but with a different focus. We will engage youth in learning about how to become healthy, responsible and happy adults. We are calling this project “ Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll: Leaning to Make Decisions that are Right for You.”We will include accurate, age-appropriate information about sexuality including safer sexual practices, creating and sustaining healthy relationships, developing communication skills,  and where to turn for accurate information and advise in the future.  We will also help participants clarify their personal values, build interpersonal skills, and discuss the emotional, ethical, and cultural aspects of sexuality.